MPHQ Scientific Events
MPHQ Alumni Conference: June 29th, 2022
We were please to hear that the invited MPQ- and Harvard Alumni accepted our invitation to the MPHQ Alumni Conference at Max-Planck-Center of Quantum Optics. The hybrid conference went smoothly and about 60 attendees followed the international talks of

- Dr. Flore Kunst, Research Group Leader Theory Division, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany
- Ass. Prof. Lucas Fabian Hackl, School of Mathematics and Statistics & School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Prof. Jun Rui, University of Science and Technology of China, China
- Dr. Stephan Welte Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group, ETH Zurich, Suisse
- Dr. Ahmed Omran Google Germany, Munich, Germany
- Prof. Erez Zohar, Principal Investigator, Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Prof. Ralf Riedinger, Head of Group Quantum Nanophotonics, University of Hamburg, Germany
In the framework of MPHQ, summer schools and as well as research retreats take place in order to discuss joint research projects and to provide networking possibilities for young researchers.
IMPRS-MPHQ Summer School 2021
After we had to cancel the Summer School 2020 due to the pandemic, this years' MPHQ Summer School took place online from July 12th to July 16th, 2021.
The summer school was jointly organized with the Harvard Physics Department, as part of the MPHQ collaboration and the special research programme BeyondC.
One of the main objectives of this joint event were to foster networking and promote collaboration. Thus, the program included many interactive sessions, social activities, posters and PhD presentations.
The scientific program focused on the topics of NISQ Era Quantum Computing and Topological Phases in Quantum Gases. Invited speakers included
- Prof. Monika Aidelsburger (LMU)
- Prof. Nathan Goldman (ULB)
- Prof. John Martinis (UCSB)
- Prof. Irfan Siddiqi (UC Berkeley)
- Prof. Nathan Wiebe (UW)
To round up the program, an industry session and soft skills training were organized: a webinar on the topic of mental health with Dr. Desiree Dickerson, and a talk on how to build a strong working relationship with the PhD supervisor by Dr. Martin Fladerer.
Thanks everybody for joining this fruitful event!!
IMPRS-MPHQ Summer School 2019
In July 2019 the first MPHQ Summer School took place, which was jointly organised with IMPRS-QST. About 60 PhD students from MPQ, Harvard and LMU attended the summer school, which consisted of lectures on different topics, poster sessions and PI talks. On their free afternoon the participants took part in different team building events, including a challenging hike in the Austrian Alps.
MPHQ Scientific Meeting: 24 May 2019
The 2nd Scientific Meeting took place at Harvard University on 24 May 2019. MPHQ Postdocs presented their latest research in presentations as well as posters.
MPHQ Inauguration Ceremony: 11-12 January 2018
The first research retreat took place from the 11 to 13 January 2018 in Munich.
Around 200 participants listened to talks and presentations at the Institute for Advanced Study and the Deutsches Museum. Scientists from Harvard and MPQ presented and discussed their research projects and were able to convey their thrilling research topics to a larger public.
The Max Planck Harvard Research Center for Quantum Optics was officially opened by Prof. Martin Stratmann, President of Max Planck Society, and Prof. Jeremy Bloxham FRS, Dean of Science, Harvard University.
The scientific programme of the inauguration ceremony was completed by fascinating experimental demonstrations by Prof. Markus Greiner and Nobel laureate Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle.