Quantum Information Science
The field of quantum information bloomed two decades ago when scientists realized that quantum physics could be used to transmit and process information in more efficient and secure ways. The development of quantum algorithms and communication protocols, as well as the possibility of implementing them with different systems has established the field of quantum information as one of the most promising onesfor the present century. Apart from the long-term goal of building a quantum computer, many other outstanding challenges are intensively pursued by the scientific community. In particular, the theory underlying the field of quantum information and dealing with “entanglement” has found intriguing connections with different fields of physics, like condensed matter, quantum gravity, or string theory. Quantum information theory has also strong connections with quantum sensing and metrology, quantum simulation, quantum networks, and quantum dynamics. It also comprises the basis of newly developed tensor-network techniques to describe many-body quantum systems. Furthermore, new applications, protocols, and algorithms are expected to be developed in the near future. Researchers at Harvard and MPG have pioneered some of those developments, and actively collaborated among themselves and with other scientists in the implementation of the theoretical proposals.